Monday, May 23, 2011

From the Different View..

See, I’m not the hottest chick on earth or anything. I don’t look like Cameron Diaz. But don’t get me wrong. I’m still thankful with what God has given me. I’m not ugly or anything. In fact, I am ashamed to admit this; sometimes I imagine that I am this really hot chick, the super funky angel of the modern world. Yes, I am quite vain.
I certainly am not the hottest girl around heck! I hardly play any sports, one of my greatest chagrin in life.
I love dancing and music and acting and writing and reading books. But again, I’m not noteworthy in any of those respects. I can dance … I’ve imagined myself winning the Academy award but I’m sure I won’t be winning it anytime soon.
And as much as I’ve convinced myself that I have a voice that would rival Siti Nurhaliza’s unfortunately, dreams continue to exist in an alternate dimension.
Writing? Well, let’s just say that it is impracticality for this blog to win the Pulitzer.
I’m not particularly intelligent like Michelle or Joel. NO teacher will ever predict, I am very sure about this, that I’d be the next Newton or Einstein.
I’m not the most amazing orator. I’m not like Haqqa or Azam or Obama or Anwar Ibrahim. But I can speak in front of people. I can speak ok. Nothing amazing or life altering or anything like that. I doubt that any of my speeches will be featured in a future episode of “Voices in Time”.
I don’t know about you but I long to feel special. Does that make me a selfish, ungrateful brat? Maybe. I think I need to start changing my outlook. To see things with an eye for the bigger picture. I don’t see it now, to be honest. I hope that one day I will be able to see the big picture and realise that life is not just about me, but more importantly about others.

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